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Comedian I Go Dye tackles President Buhari in new IG post, questions his fight against corruption
Comedian Francis Agoda aka I Go Dye has once again taken to social media to tackle the Buhari-led administration.

In an open letter to President Buhari, I Go Dye asked President Buhari what his government has done with all the recovered Abacha loot and why the government had to share some of the recovered loot to the poor when such money can be used to rehabilitate hospitals so he, Buhari, would have no need going abroad for treatment.

On the fight against corruption, the comedian wondered why those who are with President Buhari are seen as saints. Read what he wrote below

  • Your Excellency, President Muhammadu Buhari
    As madact Ambassador on make A Difference Against Corruption Today, it has expanded my passion to speak.It saddens my heart that after 58 years all sectors of our social
    and economic lives has been plunged in failure. Over the years,millions of graduates continue to wade through trying times,while youths with creative artistry,artisans and our young women have been denied the true values of nationhood,self esteem has been destroyed,many weep and sleep on a daily basis without a meal

    The funds recovered from looters in the past fews years of your government is 739 billion Naira, Abacha recovered returned loot is 322,000,000 dollars equivalent of 112billion naira Totalling 851 billion naira. why was the Abacha returned loots shared? Who are the beneficiaries? Why wasn't the returned and recovered loots used to finance some of the basic social problems like electricity, repairing our refineries and creating jobs for our youths, build a world class hospital that can reduce the travelling expenses of Nigerians travelling abroad for medical treatment?

    Sir, if our hospitals were well equipped, you won't be involved in foreign trips for medical check ups. When you eventual leave office, which hospital would be standard enough to offer you this services and to other Nigerians? Who are the looters that returned the said amount ? How come they are not facing criminal charges or being jailed? How come politicians alleged with 232 billion naira cases of corruption are working for your re-election? Is it Only those that are with you, that are the presumed saints?
    Your Excellency, our budgets for the last 3 years of your government 2016 (6.07 trillion),2017 (7.298trillion, )2018 ( 9.12 trillion)
    Total 22.488 trillion naira, yet we do not have access to ordinary clean water,with escalated hunger in the land. In 2015, Nigerian was ranked 3rd among the poorest nations index but today in 2018, Nigeria is now ranked number number 1 people living in poverty in world overtaking India .That is why Nigerians are complaining.

The Illumenaz Cypher

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Search FUT Minna Student Who Was Stabbed To Death By Her Lover (Graphic Photos)

Trump’s stunning campaign rewrote all the rules. What about his presidency?

His candidacy was born in spectacle, nurtured on controversy, and careered from one self-inflicted disaster to another, overturning every rule of modern American politics along the way. With virtually no on-the-ground organization, lackadaisical support at best from the leaders of his own party, and outspent by a large margin in advertising, Donald J. Trump won the presidency with a campaign built around raucous rallies and a visceral appeal to a shrinking slice of the American electorate, the rural and small-town white working class. To say he did it his way is almost an understatement.
He was helped by running against a deeply unpopular opponent. Historians will debate how much damage was done to Hillary Clinton during the week that the FBI kept the country in suspense over a renewed investigation of her emails, but her troubles with the electorate began long before and ran deeper. She took a hit in the primary from the left wing of her party, and analysts will be poring over exit polls to figure out whether the Sanders voters defected in numbers large enough to affect the outcome. But in the end, Americans just didn’t like or trust Clinton, and the chance to make history by electing the first woman president of the United States didn’t bring enough women to her side to offset Trump’s huge advantage among white men.
U.S. President-elect Donald Trump speaks at his election night rally in New York, Nov. 9, 2016. (Carlo Allegri/Reuters)
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U.S. President-elect Donald Trump speaks at his election night rally in New York, on Nov. 9, 2016. (Carlo Allegri/Reuters)
2016 Election Center
Ad-libbing his way through speeches and firing off random tweets, Trump was riding a historical wave that almost no one saw coming: a resurgence of economic and ethnic nationalism sweeping the Western democracies. Even those whose job it was to detect it — public-opinion pollsters — were caught by surprise. Trump’s victory was an echo, amplified a hundred times, of the Brexit vote that opted to take Britain out of the European Union. Right up through Tuesday night, most polls put the odds of a Trump victory at well below 50 percent — vanishingly small, in a some cases — and media organizations that had planned their coverage around a Clinton victory scrambled to get a handle on the new world they found themselves in.
Even some in Trump’s inner circle were “shocked,” as one aide put it, watching the results roll in to the candidate’s headquarters in Trump Tower. “I had hoped for this,” one campaign source said. “I knew there was a chance for this, but I gave it a 30 percent chance. I thought we would come up just short.” His indefatigable campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, had begun the evening making pre-emptive excuses for a loss, complaining to Chuck Todd of NBC that “We didn’t have the support of the full Republican infrastructure.” But midway through the night, she was revising that opinion, telling reporters that the Republican National Committee had been an “excellent partner” to the campaign. “Absolutely buoyant. We can smell the win,” Conway texted to Yahoo News.
The mood was jubilant at Trump’s victory party at the New York Hilton, where cheers were punctuated by shouts of the de-facto Trump campaign slogan — “Lock her up!” — and, in honor of FBI Director James Comey, who may have helped turn voters away from Clinton: “Comey! Comey!”
Did the Clinton campaign sense the unfolding disaster? In the late afternoon, Clinton campaign manager John Podesta was spotted stalking through Times Square with a grim frown. The mood at the Javits Center — where Clinton expected to give a victory speech under New York City’s largest glass ceiling —shifted from confident celebration, to concern, to grief, as Tuesday wore on. The campaign’s uplifting videos, featuring Clinton’s childhood friend testifying to her “goodness,” jarred with the increasingly downcast mood of the crowd.
Supporters of Democratic U.S. presidential nominee Hillary Clinton react as they watch election returns at the election night rally in New York, U.S., November 8, 2016. (REUTERS/Rick Wilking)
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Supporters of Democratic U.S. presidential nominee Hillary Clinton react as they watch election returns at the election night rally in New York on Nov. 8, 2016. (Rick Wilking/Reuters)
By around 1 a.m., volunteers and supporters began leaving, some in tears, others seemingly in shock.
At the beginning of the night, the Clinton campaign told reporters that the candidate and her entire family were watching returns come in at a nearby hotel. An aide even described the outfit Clinton’s granddaughter was wearing, providing colorful details to her press corps. But starting at about 10 p.m., the campaign went silent, and even lower-level campaign aides disappeared from the Javits Center. Around 2 a.m., Podesta appeared briefly at the podium to send the crowd home; the campaign would have more to say Wednesday morning.
Meanwhile, Clinton’s surrogates started to confront the prospect of defeat.
Julián Castro, the U.S. secretary of housing, looked depressed as he contemplated a Trump presidency around 1 a.m. Tuesday night in the somber Javits Center.
“If Donald Trump wins, aside from the politics, the immediate concern is that he become a leader and a president and not just a campaigner,” Castro said, adding that Trump has an “enormous” responsibility to become steadier as president.
When asked if he believed Trump would build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border, Castro replied: “My hope is that would never happen.”
“What you saw today was not a mandate for every little utterance he made like building a wall or having a deportation force,” Castro said. “I believe it was an expression of a desire for change.”
Meanwhile, former Gov. Howard Dean of Vermont told Yahoo News via e-mail that the surprise upset was “a successful populist revolt,” and adding that he believes NATO “is in danger.” Asked what went wrong with Clinton’s campaign, he replied, “Who knows?”
Supporters of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump react to reports that he had won North Carolina while they were watching results in Times Square, New York, Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016. (Photo: Seth Wenig/AP)
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Supporters of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump react to reports that he had won North Carolina while they were watching results in Times Square in New York, Nov. 8, 2016. (Photo: Seth Wenig/AP)
Trump ran as the candidate of change, and his victory will be seen as a renunciation of the status quo. But a call for change is one of the reliable constants of American politics, and by most traditional measures, the United States is not in grave crisis. Unemployment is below 5 percent, crime in most cities is low by the standards of a decade ago, and the militant Muslim group ISIS, although still a threat, is losing territory in Iraq to a coalition of American allies, with minimal U.S. casualties. But when Donald Trump told his vast crowds of followers that America was losing all over the world, they believed it — and agreed that he was the person who could reverse it.
The reverberations were felt around the world, as stock markets and the dollar plunged in reaction to a victory of a candidate who had run a campaign against international finance and free trade. The Mexican peso took the biggest hit of all, and gold, the traditional refuge of capital in turbulent times, soared.
Trump alienated immigrants, made enemies of Muslims, insulted and mocked women, and still won. He left unchallenged the belief that he had avoided paying federal income taxes for years, he faced plausible, if unproven, accusations of running a fraudulent business (his “Trump University”) and he retweeted racist and anti-Semitic images and memes — and still he won.
Hillary Clinton, who had come in for praise — including from Trump himself — as an effective senator and secretary of state while she held those offices, was endorsed by practically every newspaper in the country. She raised far more money than he did and campaigned with a popular president, with her own chief opponent in the party, with Beyoncé and Bruce Springsteen — and still she lost.
Trump will take office under a cloud of litigation, including the lawsuits he has vowed to file against 11 women who have accused him of making unwanted sexual advances. Gloria Allred, who represents several of the women, said she assumes that as president-elect, Trump will have better things to do. But there are also lawsuits charging that his eponymous “university” was a scam that bilked students out of thousands of dollars of tuition. One of those is scheduled to go to trial on Nov. 28, before U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel, whom Trump has claimed cannot preside impartially over the case, given his Mexican heritage.  If Trump abides by his promise not to settle the suit, he will have to appear in court in person.
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Republican president-elect Donald Trump gives his victory speech on election night at the New York Hilton Midtown in New York on Nov. 9, 2016. (Photo: Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images)
Trump carried along to victory enough senators and members of the House to ensure that the country will be run by Republicans for at least the next two years. Unlike Clinton, who was surrounded by a large retinue of policy advisers who had served years in government, Trump has a relatively small circle to draw upon to staff his administration. Rudy Giuliani, a U.S. attorney and associate attorney general before he became mayor of New York, has been mentioned as a possible attorney general. In the closing days of the campaign, he warned “There’s a revolution going on inside the FBI” because agents were being blocked from investigating Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. Giuliani could be expected to give them a green light.
Michael Flynn, the retired U.S. Army general who has served as Trump’s chief foreign policy adviser, seems a likely candidate to become Trump’s national security adviser or possibly director of national intelligence.
There are a few other outsize personalities close to Trump who can be expected to play big roles: Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich or New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie could be in the running for chief of staff.
But mainstream Republican officeholders like Paul Ryan, the speaker of the House, don’t share most of Trump’s agenda — and many of them, including Ryan himself, are reliably said to detest him personally. The foreign policy wing of the party was appalled by Trump’s ascent, regarding him as naively fixated on trade issues with Mexico and China, and dangerously unconcerned about the threat of a resurgent Russia. But the party has a platform that includes tax cuts for the top income brackets, repealing Obamacare, drastically pruning business and environmental regulation, and reversing the Obama administration’s climate-change initiatives. Undoubtedly to their surprise, they now appear likely to get all that — along with a border wall, a deportation force and an unpredictable president with almost no grounding in policy or connections to party leaders. It may turn out to be a lesson about being careful what you wish for — but it is a problem the Democrats can only wish they had instead.

US election 2016 results: Trump takes commanding lead over Clinton

Republican candidate Donald Trump is edging closer to the US presidency after a string of shock swing state victories over Hillary Clinton.
He won Florida, Ohio, Iowa and North Carolina, while Democrat Mrs Clinton took Virginia and Nevada. Pennsylvania is too close to call.
New Hampshire, Michigan and Wisconsin - which were meant to be part of the Clinton firewall - are deadlocked, too.
Markets lurched as Mrs Clinton's path to victory began to narrow.

The US dollar and Mexican peso plummeted while the Dow futures dropped 800 points.
Mr Trump is closing in on the 270 out of 538 electoral college votes needed to declare victory.
His Ohio win was a big boost, as no Republican has ever taken the White House without winning the Midwestern bellwether.

Iowa last voted for a Republican in 2004.
The mood is dark at Mrs Clinton's election night party in New York City.

Supporters were crying and staring stony-faced at the big screens showing election results.
At Trump headquarters across town, his fans were cheering and chanting about the Democratic nominee: "Lock her up!"

Mood of despair - Nick Bryant, BBC News, New York City

Hillary Clinton's supporters thought they'd arrived for a victory party, and the roofing at the convention centre in New York doubled as a metaphor - a giant glass ceiling ready, symbolically at least, to be shattered.
But under it the mood fast changed to concern and fretfulness as early all-important swing states, like Florida and Ohio, went to Donald Trump. Nervousness turned to utter disbelief as reliably blue Democratic states like Michigan and Wisconsin looked to be turning red.
The famed blue wall, which has made the Democrats so strong in presidential politics, looked to be crumbling before their eyes. Now the mood is one of despair.

In other developments:

Republicans are expected to retain control of the Senate and House of Representatives
California voted to legalise recreational marijuana, which could lead to the creation of the largest market for marijuana products in the US
Failed Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio won his bid for re-election in Florida's Senate race
Mr Trump earlier racked up wins in the Midwest and South, while Mrs Clinton swept the Northeast, ABC News projects.

As expected, the Republican candidate was victorious in the Republican strongholds of Utah, Alabama, Kentucky, South Carolina, Nebraska, Indiana, West Virginia, Mississippi, Tennessee, Oklahoma and Texas, ABC projects.
And he took Georgia, Missouri, Montana, Louisiana, Arkansas, Kansas, North Dakota, South Dakota, Idaho and Wyoming - all solidly conservative states.

Mrs Clinton won the Democratic heartlands of California, Oregon, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland, Vermont, Delaware, Illinois, Rhode Island, Hawaii, Washington and District of Columbia, as well as New Mexico and Colorado.

Mr Trump, a 70-year-old Manhattan real estate tycoon, and Mrs Clinton, who 69, would be the first US female president, voted on Tuesday in New York City.

Mr Trump was booed as he arrived to cast his ballot at a school in Manhattan, alongside his wife, Melania, and daughter, Ivanka.
The two presidential hopefuls are spending election night in New York City, staging events barely a mile apart.

Mrs Clinton will address supporters at the Javits Centre in Manhattan, while Mr Trump holds an event at the Hilton Midtown hotel.
More than 5,000 police officers have been deployed across America's biggest city to keep order on election night.
On Tuesday, Mr Trump again declined to say whether he will accept the results.
"We're going to see how things play out," he told Fox News, while alleging there had been voting irregularities. "I want to see everything honest."
Some polling locations have reported equipment failures and long lines, but they appeared to be routine problems.

Mr Trump, who stoked conspiracies over the legitimacy of the democratic process during the campaign by claiming the vote would be "rigged", also filed an emergency lawsuit in Nevada.
The Republican's camp sued the Clark County Registrar of Voters, alleging the state had kept early voting stations open late.
But a judge rejected the request.
All 50 states and Washington DC voted across six different time zones.

Americans also had a chance to determine which party holds sway in Congress.
All 435 seats in the House of Representatives were up for grabs, and a third of seats in the Senate, but Republicans looked likely to keep control of both chambers.
A record number of Americans - more than 45 million - voted early by post or at polling stations.

Mr Trump, a populist political newcomer, provoked controversy on the campaign trail for comments about women, Muslims and a plan to build a wall along the US-Mexican border.
Mrs Clinton saw her campaign dogged by FBI investigations into whether she abused state secrets by operating a private email server during her time as US secretary of state.
Last Sunday, the law enforcement bureau cleared her once again of any criminality.
Mr Trump and Mrs Clinton are seeking to succeed Democratic President Barack Obama.
After two four-year terms in the White House, he is barred by the US constitution from running for re-election.


Kenya Man Rapes His 98-year-old Grandmother And Two-year-old Girl

A man from Murang'a County, Kenya has gone berserk and raped his grandmother. The man who once had sex with a cow and jailed for the crime has now raped his 98-year-old grandmother and a two-year-old child belonging to a neighbour.

The 36-year-old father of one had just been released from jail a few months ago after he was locked in for having sex with a cow.

The man was found engaging in bestiality with the animal about 500 metres from his grandmother's home in 2013 and released in 2015.

According to Nairobi News, the sex offender is said to have attacked his grandmother on Wednesday, October 12 at around 7 pm in Gacharage-ini village in Mathioya.

But he was found on the act by his cousin identified as Samuel who heard the old woman screaming as he passed by her house.

He went to investigate but found the door locked on the inside and when he managed to break in, he found his cousin Unclad.

The sex pest attacked Samuel hitting him on the face leaving him unconscious and took off where minutes later, he defiled a two-year-old girl belonging to his neighbour.

When Samuel came to his consciousness a few minutes later, he raised an alarm after finding the old woman Unclad in her bed and shocked and a man hunt for the suspect was launched.

The sex offender took the little girl to an arrowroot farm where he defiled her and left her bleeding profusely. Neighbours found her and she was taken to hospital by her parents.

The man has been locked up at Nyakianga police station and is expected to be arraigned. 

Prince Eheneden Picks New Name

Re: Prince Eheneden Picks New Name by KingOvoramwen1(m): 11:08am

EDAIKEN IN CORONATION MOOD: Benin agog as Oba-designate picks new name

Benin Kingdom has been the center of attraction in the past two weeks after the Crown Prince, Prince (Amb) Ehenede Erediauwa, commenced his journey to the throne. The Crown Prince will become the 39th Oba of Benin Kingdom after the grand finale of the events scheduled to hold on Thursday at the traditional Urho-Okpota ground. Since the commencement of the events lined up for the coronation, the ancient city of Benin has taken a new look, with colourful pictures of the Oba-designate erected at the popular King Square, Airport Road among other parts of the city.

Meanwhile, contrary to the belief that the Crown Prince, who is well travelled and educated, may shelve some of the rituals slated for his ascension to the throne, he chose to fulfil all the rituals as they were done by his fore fathers, removing nothing. Infact, that has attracted thousands of Edo sons and daughters, from home and abroad, to witness the epoch making ceremonies. As the Crown Prince moved from one place to the other, you could see the uniqueness of the Benin Kingdom, as no fewer than 10,000 persons, including Benin chiefs, cultural groups, foreigners, youths, residents of the kingdom followed him with excitement.
Governor Adams Oshiomhole and the governor-elect of Edo State, Godwin Obaseki, led other leaders of the All Progressives Congress, APC, last week, including the state Chairman of the party, Anslem Ojezua, Chief of Staff to the Governor, Patrick Obahiagbon (Igodomigodo) and Rasaq Bello Osagie to pay homage to the Oba in the making.


The Edaiken began the journey to the throne, penultimate Saturday, with a foot procession, escorted by Uselu people, after he left Eguae Edaiken (Uselu) for Oredo.

He trekked a distance of about 10 kilometers from his temporary palace at Uselu to Eko-Ohae (bachelors camp) to Oredo Local Government Area. But while on his way to Oredo where Oredo chiefs took charge of his movement, the Edaiken stopped at the sacred Eguae Palm Tree which is called Udin Amamieson-Aimiuwa and aged about 500 years. The tree was first climbed by Oba Ewuare in the 15th century and some offerings were offered before the Crown Prince proceeded on his coronation journey. Commercial activities were paralysed along the routes he trekked through, mainly Benin-Lagos Road and Lagos Street.

That same day, he arrived at Iya-akpan, the present day Five-Junction where Uselu chiefs took leave of him and Oredo chiefs took over.
It was chiefs from Benin that escorted the Crown Prince to Benin-City. That same day at about 6:30pm, the Crown Prince arrived Eko-Ohae in Oredo, where he spent three days while private ceremonies were conducted.

Various cultural troupes, like the Iten Edo Theatre Group, Benin Royal Dynasty Trust Dance moved with the crowd to entertain them. On Tuesday, the Edaiken leaves Eko-Ohae for Usama palace where the coronation rituals continue. The coronation rituals will take place at the Uzama palace which was first built and lived in by Prince Oranmiyan. It was Oba Ewedo that moved the Oba palace to its present location. A makeshift building was erected at the Uzama palace ground and workers were seen maintaining the road leading to the Uzama palace.

The ancient road, known as ‘Odeoba’ (Oba’s Road), which the Crown Prince walked through was fixed also. The Crown Prince also walked through Oba Market Road, Ebo Street and Odeoba to Usama palace. Motorists and pedestrians have been barred from driving or walking on Ebo Street. Some chiefs, in red attires, were seen on the road preventing people from passing through.

The coronation ceremonies also climax on Tuesday when the Crown Prince, who will remain in Usama palace until the Thursday coronation date, will head to Use village where he will choose a name he wants to be addressed as king. The moment he picks his name for the throne, he stops answering Ehenede Erediauwa. After picking the name, Edaiken returns to Usama to prepare for the D-Day which is Thursday. He is expected to take a good rest on Wednesday and, on Thursday, he passes through Isekherhe to Urho-Okpota, where the coronation will take place.

Urho-Okpota ground, located at Ring Road, the heart of the ancient Benin City, has been condoned off following on-going work ahead of the grand finale of the coronation. The ground is wearing a new look. Traders have vacated the area. The hall which is known for hosting great traditional and political events is located adjacent the Oba Market. The ground has been venue for the crowning of every Oba of Benin, and that is the reason most politicians in the state who are either aspiring to be governor or running for any political position scramble for space in the hall for the declaration of their political intentions.

It is generally believed in the kingdom that the gods of Benin will always grant success to any politician who declares his intention at the traditional Urho-Okpota hall. It is a ground for the making of kings. That ground, even as small as it is, will play host to President Muhammadu Buhari and other world leaders who will witness the coronation on Thursday.

Throughout the coronation period, burial rites in Benin have been prohibited. And since the commencement of the rituals, all commercial activities around the Eko-Ohae and Urho-Okpota have been banned. When you enter Benin, you don’t need to be told that a new king will soon emerge because you can feel it.

The Aiyobahan of Benin Kingdom, Chief Osamede Adun, who has been following the events so far, said he was 25 years old when the late Oba Erediauwa was crowned in 1979 and that he stood among the crowd to watch the procession and coronation.

“I was about 29 years old then when Erediauwa was crowned. I was not a palace chief at that time. It was how they did it then, that is what is taking place now. Today, I am the happiest person. Back then, I was watching from among the crowd but today I am a top palace chief. 

Where I can get to now, you cannot reach there. I am very happy to near my Oba,”Adun stated.
He described the Crown Prince as a man who abhors lies and derives pleasure in the truth. “Edaiken himself, as king, does not like lies. If you want to be closer or be his friend, tell him the truth. And once he finds out that you are not truthful, he will not be happy with you. I am advising my fellow chiefs, if you are talking with our king, give him the true picture of things and when he later finds out that you are telling him lies, he will never be happy with you”.

Chief Ada Igbinovia, the Edosomwan of Benin Kingdom, said those who are witnessing the coronation ceremonies should count themselves very lucky as it was a rare experience in one’s life time.

A chief, who claimed to have witnessed the coronation of Oba Akenzua, Chief Osarobo Orue, the Oba Iyekeagbon of Benin Kingdom, said the reign of the new Oba of Benin would consolidate the peace being enjoyed in the kingdom. “This is the third time I am witnessing the coronation of Oba of Benin. I witnessed the coronation of Oba Akenzua, Oba Erediauwa and that of Edaiken N’Usele.

I will join in the trekking. I am 100 years old now”, he said. Chief Egharevba Igbinehi, the Ohanwan of Benin, said his forefather was among the chiefs that came with Prince Oranmiyan when the Benin prince was summoned back from Uhe (Ife). He said his function is to pray for the Oba before he begins any ceremony.

Kidnappers Shot Dead In Bauchi After Opening Fire On Soldiers. Graphic Photos

Yesterday at about 1.30pm, troops of 33 Brigade Nigerian Army deployed at Forward Operation Base (FOB) Ningi, on routine patrol, came across suspected kidnappers at Dutsen Makurdi, Ningi Local Government Area. The suspected kidnappers opened fire on the troops that led to exchange of gunfire between both at the end which 5 kidnappers were killed.

The patrol team recovered 3 Dane guns and other dangerous weapons from the suspects.


Yesterday afternoon, a suspected Boko Haram terrorist, Adamu Nuhu was arrested at Kwaya Kusar Local Government Area, Southern Borno State following a tip off by well meaning Nigerians.

He is currently being interrogated. Similarly, at about 5.43pm yesterday 3 women suspected to be spouses of wanted Boko Haram terrorists and logistics suppliers were arrested at Miringa market by vigilante members in the town.

They however, handed them to troops and they also being investigated.

Thank you for your kind cooperation.
Colonel Sani Kukasheka Usman
Acting Director Army Public Relations

Re: Kidnappers Shot Dead In Bauchi After Opening Fire On Soldiers. Graphic Photos by PrettyCrystal: 10:15pm On Oct 03

Ugandan Maid Caught On Camera Suffocating Employer’s Child (Disturbing Video)

A shocking video has emerged online showing one of the most inhuman action ever witnessed. It’s too shocking to bear!
Just months ago, a video surfaced on social media showing a Ugandan house help assaulting a toddler of her employer, a video that shocked many!

This particular video shows the unidentified house help suffocating the child with what appears to be a pillow in the most inhumane way ever.

Watch the disturbing video below

See some screenshot from the video below


Ugwuanyi Approves Contract For Construction Of 2 FG Roads (pics)

Enugu Govt. Approves Contract for Rehabilitation of 9th Mile, Opi-Obollo Afor FG Roads

...Upgrades IMT to degree-awarding institution

The Enugu State Executive Council has approved the award of contract for the rehabilitation of 18.5km federal government road along Opi-Obollo Afor, and additional works at Amalla and 9th Mile internal roads from Ekochin Junction-Mechanic Village junction, measuring 2.4km.

The contract was awarded to Reynolds Construction Company (RCC Nig Ltd) at the cost of N1,356,587,804.56k (One Billion, Three Hundred and Fifty Six Million, Eighty Hundred and Four Thousand, Eighty Six Kobo).

Briefing the press at the Government House, Enugu, after the council meeting, the Commissioner for Information, Dr. Godwin Udeuhele, said that the award of the contract was consistent with the state government’s commitment towards improving the lives of the people by creating enabling environment for safe and smooth transportation in the state, especially during the forthcoming Yuletide.

He stated the council also approved the flag-off ceremonies at the various sites for the 25 road projects as well as buildings and water projects in the 17 Local Government Areas of the state, scheduled to hold on October 15.

The council also approved the upgrade of the Institute of Management and Technology (IMT) Enugu, to a degree-awarding institution in order to meet the educational, socio-political and economic needs of the State.

“In line with this decision,” the commissioner explained that “the council has directed the Attorney-General and Commissioner for Justice, Mr. Miletus Eze to draft a bill to be forwarded to the Enugu State House of Assembly for necessary action."

Udeuhele also noted that the council equally approved the amendment of Section 315 of the Criminal Code, pointing out that in addition to the regular punishment of imprisonment as provided in the extant law, the relevant section would include demolition of buildings where victims of kidnapping were held captive in order to serve as a deterrent to prospective perpetrators.

In an effort to enhance the aesthetic outlook of the capital city and reposition it for greater heights, the commissioner said that the council also approved the relocation of the Enugu State Transport Company (ENTRACO) to a new site that would be provided for it in due course.

Azikiwe, Ahmadu Bello And Awolowo In A Happy Mood (Throwback Photo)

Nnamdi Azikiwe, Ahmadu Bello and Obafemi Awolowo are seen here together in a happy and brotherly mood, what went wrong Nigerians?

PDP Heads For Tribunal To Challenge Obaseki’s Victory

The Peoples Democratic Party on Monday said that it would challenge the outcome of the Edo State governorship election at the election petitions tribunal.

The Independent National Electoral Commission had last Thursday declared the candidate of the All Progressives Congress, Godwin Obaseki, as the winner of the election.

According to the electoral umpire, Obaseki had a total of 319,483 votes while his counterpart in the PDP, Pastor Osagie Ize-Iyamu, polled 253,173 votes to come second.

The opposition had rejected the result, which it described as a fraud, and accused INEC of alleged complicity.

But the Edo State PDP Chairman, Chief Dan Orbih, who disclosed this in a chat with The PUNCH in Benin, the Edo State capital, explained that the party would leave nothing to chance to prove that the result was manipulated and that it would also expose the alleged corruption and incompetence of the electoral commission.
He, therefore, called for the dissolution of the present leadership of the INEC.

Orbih said, “Of course, we are going to file our petition at the election petitions tribunal. We will give it our all. If nothing else, to expose to Nigerians how corrupt and incompetent INEC is, under its present leadership.

“Our lawyers are busy; they are working. Until they formally file a petition, all I can say is that we are going to challenge the result of this election at the tribunal.”

While stressing the role of the judiciary in upholding the tenet of democracy, he expressed confidence in its ability to give justice to Nigerians.

“We will pursue this matter to a logical conclusion and I believe that the judiciary has a role to play to save democracy and give Nigerians hope that, in a country where people do things with impunity, people can still approach the judiciary for justice,” he added.

On whether the party was convinced that the outcome of the tribunal would not end in favour of the candidate returned elected by the INEC, as was the case in Bayelsa and Kogi states, Orbih noted that the PDP would give the tribunal the benefit of the doubt.

He said, “What happened in Kogi is not what has happened in Edo. What happened in Bayelsa is not what has happened in Edo.

“We must give that benefit of doubt, rather than resort to self-help or take the law into our hands. We want to test this obvious fraudulent manipulation of INEC, in collaboration with the state government, in the election result in the judiciary.”

African Union Issues Travel Warning For USA

40 Powerful Photos From Around The World That Will Break Your Heart

The world has witnessed a lot. Millions of photos are clicked everyday, but some of these capture moments that are truly unforgettable and heart wrenching. That is the brilliance of photography. It is so much more than just a visual aid. It is an emotion brought to life no matter when you choose to revisit it.
Having said that, here are 40 powerful photos from around the world that will break your heart:

1. A Koala is fed water by a firefighter during the Black Saturday bushfires in Australia, 2009.

2. A 17-year-old girl offers a flower to a soldier during the Pentagon Anti-War Protest in October, 1967.

3. A widow receives her husband's body about after 63 years. Army Sgt. 1st Class Joseph Gantt died as a PoW during the Korean War in 1951.

4. Robert Peraza falls to his knees as he touches his son's name at the 9/11 memorial.

5. A sergeant looks after a 2-week-old kitten during the Korean War.

6. A Japanese girl placed in isolation for radiation screening looks at her dog through the window.

7. A dog sits next to the grave of its owner, who passed away in the disastrous landslides near Rio de Janeiro in 2011.

8. John F Kennedy Jr. at his father's funeral, saluting his coffin. JFK was assassinated on 22nd November, 1963.

9. A South Korean cries as a North Korean relative waves goodbye. A temporary 3-day family reunion was allowed after 60 years between families from across the border in October, 2010.

10. Father and son in 1949, 2009 and 2011.

11. A couple kisses after the girl was knocked down by a policeman during the Vancouver riots, which occurred after Boston Bruins' win over the Vancouver Canucks, in June, 2011.

12. The LIFE magazine photo of U.S. Navy Officer Graham Jackson, a friend of President Roosevelt, playing at his funeral April, 1944.

13. A Russian soldier plays an abandoned piano in Chechnya, 1994.

14. Jacqueline Kennedy in her suit stained with her husband's blood right after his assassination, as Lyndon Johnson takes the oath on 22nd November, 1963.

The moment prompted Lady Bird Johnson to say: “Her hair was falling in her face but she was very composed. I looked at her. Mrs. Kennedy’s dress was stained with blood. One leg was almost entirely covered with it and her right glove was caked, it was caked with blood – her husband’s blood. Somehow that was one of the most poignant sights – that immaculate woman, exquisitely dressed, and caked in blood.”

15. A widow leans on her husband's headstone on the day before their wedding anniversary on 16th October, 2013.

16. Navy chaplain Luis Padillo gives last rites to a soldier wounded by sniper fire during a revolt in Venezuela.

17. A man jumps to his death from the World Trade Centre during the 9/11 attack.

18. The unknown yet famous 'Tank Man', who stood in front of a column of Chinese tanks on June 5, 1989, during the Tiananmen Square protests.

19. A journalist runs across a bridge to rescue a baby during the Civil War in 1936.

20. 12-year-old Brazilian kid, Diego Torquato, plays violin at his teacher's funeral, who had helped him escape violence & poverty through music.

21. Marine Staff Sgt. Marc Golczynski's son accepts the flag for his father during a memorial service. He was shot a few weeks before he was due to return home.

22. A 7-month-old is held by his mother at a rescue center in Kenya.

The child is said to have made a full recovery.

23. A French citizen cries as the Nazis occupy Paris during the IInd World War.

24. Soldiers rescue a 4-month-old baby girl who went missing for 4 days after the Japanese Tsunami in March, 2011.

25. A small kid tries to pull his alcoholic father back to his feet.

26. The final embrace of a couple that died after a factory collapsed in Bangladesh.

27. A young man holds his face in the rain in the city of Rangoon. Cyclone Nargis hit Myanmar leaving millions homeless and over 1,00,00 dead in May, 2008.

28. A violinist cries while playing at a 9/11 memorial service in Vancouver.

29. A Japanese woman cries after earthquake and tsunami struck Japan in March, 2011.

30. This one speaks for itself.


31. An African girl is actually part of a zoo! A human zoo in Belgium, 1958.

32. A Turkish official teases Armenian kids by showing them a piece of bread during the Armenian Genocide, 1915.

33. A Red Cross nurse writes the last words of a British soldier during WWI.

34. A Chinese paramilitary police recruit starts crying before being shipped for service.

35. A war veteran from Russia kneels in front of a tank that he spent the war in. The tank is now a museum.

36. A priest prays over those who died in the Titanic accident before burying them at sea.

37. A monk prays for an old man who died while waiting for a train in China.

38. A monk in Vietnam self immolates in a protest against persecution of Buddhists by South Vietnam’s Ngo Dinh Diem administration.

39. The Hindenburg Disaster in June, 1937.

40. This picture clicked in Chicago, 1948 shows it all. Despair, desperation, innocence and shame.