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How I Was Raped By 6 Guys At A Club In Ajah Lagos State, Now I Want Justice

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Last week, I came across a young lady in Lagos who told me her story - a story involving sexual abuse and her as the victim. At first, I didn't want to listen because I felt, as a prostitute, she asked for it but when she told me she was raped by six men and dragged out of the house in a pool of her own blood, I wept!
The raped girl

"I met this guy at the club and he seemed to had taken a like at me. He approached me and asked if I wanted to dance. "sure," I replied and the next thing, we were on the dance floor breaking the sweat. He was nice, smelled nice and laughed so hard at my jokes.
"What do you do my dear?" he asked me when we stepped outside for some fresh air. "I am serving but I hang out with guys at my spare time.. If you know what I mean," I said. He smiled and said, "I understand."
"We talked for a few minutes more before he asked "so how much would you charge me for the whole night?" I asked if he was serious and he said yes. "I told him 10,000 Naira." He agreed to pay and joked that he'll increase it if I performed very well.
"We drove to his beautiful house in Ajah and he was cool towards me. He asked if I needed something to eat or drink or if I wanted to take a shower. I felt safe so I went for a quick shower and when I returned he was waiting for me in his bedroom. He looked nice in his nake dness and I couldn't wait to please him. He made me want to have se x just by his behavior towards me so I gave in. I joined him in bed and we f**ked for hours.
"We took breaks, but after he came, he asked if I needed a drink which I replied, "yes, sure". He brought me Coke (the plastic bottle) which I opened myself. After drinking it, I began feeling dizzy but I concluded that my body was tired from the s ex. I slept off but woke up 30-40 minutes late to see six men with him in the room.

"All of them were na ked and rubbing their hands on their di cks as they looked at me lustfully. I could hear him tell them, "she's a Calabar girl, she's really good at it, trust me." I tried to stand but I couldn't. I was weak but fully aware of what was happening.
"While two of them held me down, the other took turns. They had different p enis sizes and breaths and speed. Some even slapped me severally just to make me stable or be in the position they wanted. They used whips on me and even tied my neck like a dog and asked me to suck d icks after di cks while they fu cked me at the same time.
"I cried till tears could drop no more. Blood was oozing out of my mouth and my entire body from the all whips. At some point I couldn't fight any longer. I even pretended to have collapsed but they never stopped. I became dry, wet, dry, wet again and the activity kept going on, none stop! All I could do was say a prayer to God to take me out that house alive. I even made a promise to God that if He saved me from those six men, I will NEVER do runs again. I just wanted everything to stop! I wanted the pain to stop!
"I was ra ped for hours and when they were done, they "came" all over me. From my hair, to my eyes and toes, I was dripping of sperm. I was left in the pool of my own blood on the floor. I couldn't see myself by the time they were done. I thought I was dead

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