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ABC producer was 'murdered and sexually assaulted while on vacation in Belize'

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An ABC producer was killed while vacationing in Belize this week.Executive producer of online operations, Anne Swaney, 39, arrived last Saturday to Nabatunich Resort, Benque Viejo, according to ABC.

Swaney was allegedly sexually assaulted before being killed after doing yoga on Thursday morning near the Mopan River nearby the resort.
A tour guide found Sawney's yoga mat another items near the river but he didn't see her and alerted the authorities.
Dogs tracked her scent on Thursday night but she was not found until the next morning.
Benque Viejo Police Superintendent Daniel Arzu said that Swaney's injured corpse was found floating on the river. She was wearing just a bra.
She also had lacerations on the side of her head along with bruises on her neck.
'We suspect that she may have been sexually violated,' Arzu said.
'She had bruises around her neck that reveals that there might have been some strangulation or some sort of fight back.'
An investigation is ongoing and a suspect has not yet been identified.
An autopsy in underway, according to Chicagoist.
'She was a trailblazer in the digital news space and was one of our first website employees,' said John H. Idler, president of ABC7.
'Anne helped us evolve our business and our newsroom, but most importantly, she was a kind person who was always had a smile and a positive attitude.'
A State Department official said in a statement: 'We offer our sincerest condolences to her family and loved ones on their loss. Our consular staff is providing all possible consular assistance.'
Discovered: Benque Viejo Police Superintendent Daniel Arzu said that Swaney's injured corpse was found floating on the river. She was wearing just a bra and appeared as though she may have been sexually assaulted 

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