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"Will Smith, The Rock, Angelina Jolie And Other Hollywood stars in Morocco?" See Photos

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Moroccan artist, Fayssal Laghmam, photoshopped images of America’s Hollywood celebrities as common people in Morocco. The 21year old graphic designer aim is to revive traditional Moroccan culture and challenge society’s contempt for the underprivileged through art.

“I spent two days working on each photo, and the final product was far more appealing than I expected at the beginning of the process,” said the artist to the Moroccan news. “I did not expect that the pictures would go viral on social media, because it is difficult to satisfy all people. However, I received much positive feedback that motivates me to produce something better in the future.”

The celebrities include Angelina Jolie, Leonardo Dicaprio, Dwayne Johnson(The Rock), Will Smith and Vin Diesel.....

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